时间:2021-04-02  来源:未知  作者:药品网ypw.cc 我要纠错

or door products, the biggest factor of a good sale is the package. Nice packed doors are much easier to be accepted by buyers, as it looks nicer and high quality. Shrink wrapping machine is a good way for doing this kind of packing for door and panels. Using shrinkable plastic wrap to fully cover the products and seal the sides with heat sealing bars. Heat shrink tunnel with constant temperature, make the package tight and high tension.   There are few material can be possible options, PE film, BOPP, PVC and POF, 80-150micron thick is suggested. For some clients want a thicker and more protective package, 200micron can be available.  The packing speed of this shrink wrapping machine is higher compare to a horizontal stretch wrapping machine, using less material and have less limitation on product size.
For door products, the biggest factor of a good sale is the package. Nice packed doors are much easier to be accepted by buyers, as it looks nicer and high quality. Shrink wrapping machine is a good way for doing this kind of packing for door and panels. Using shrinkable plastic wrap to fully cover the products and seal the sides with heat sealing bars. Heat shrink tunnel with constant temperature, make the package tight and high tension.   There are few material can be possible options, PE film, BOPP, PVC and POF, 80-150micron thick is suggested. For some clients want a thicker and more protective package, 200micron can be available.  The packing speed of this shrink wrapping machine is higher compare to a horizontal stretch wrapping machine, using less material and have less limitation on product size.
Emanpack provides stretch wrapping solutions and warehousing equipments, pallet handling machines. Machines are used for steel coil,
wire, hose, cable,  bearing, tyre, aluminum profile, timber, door and panels. Turnkey solutions are including wrapping,
strapping and tilting...... Pallet inverter/ upender/ mold flipper/ PVC pipe bundle forming/ hose coiler/ cable coiling/ door shrink wrapper/ MDF boards
and EPS panel packing lines are popular in the market.

The new idea of making the door and window and panel products wrapped vertically by the turntable pallet wrapper. This turntable door stretch wrapping machine is our new door packing machine.
There are many reasons why stretch packaging machines can bring benefits to enterprises. Stretch packaging machines are very important in today's world, especially for enterprises. Although business managers know that investment is critical to the develop
This is a horizontal type coil wrapping machine which could be applied to wrap all types of coils, drum, spool and bobbin for fully sealed packaging.

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